

TOPIC overview

Year 1- Year 6

Guidance for staff

The creative curriculum topics are set out following a two-year rolling programme with Y1 and Y2; y3 and y4; y5 and y6 following the same topics.  There is identified a third year of topics for use in the event of year 4 and year 5 pupils being taught in the same class.

The topics for each year can be completed in any order to fit with other school events or curriculum planning.

Planning of creative curriculum

It is expected that staff completing the same topics will work together to complete a topic map prior to teaching.  The topic map should outline their shared ideas for completing the topics; making as many cross-curricular links and wow ideas as possible.

From these initial ideas, it is expected that a medium term be written which outlines a suggested order of teaching, the skills being covered and the likely outcomes for the pupils.  Clearly, the medium term plan will identify differentiated ideas to address the skills needed in each year group.  From the medium term plan, detailed weekly planning can be completed.

It is expected that the topic maps and medium term plans be saved onto the staff shared area when completed for future reference.  Also, folders are available for staff to save any electronic resources they may wish to keep.  The more we save now, the more time we save later!

Creative Curriculum Resources:

There are now clearly identified topic boxes (yellow) and bags available for most of the new topics.  Please feel free to take the boxes to your teaching areas whilst teaching the topic but it is imperative they are returned, fully resourced, when the topic is finished.  There are some topics (particularly the science based ones) where a topic box is not available.  Resources for these topics can be found in the science store but they should be returned following each lesson as others may need them.  Also available are a range of big books in the store room upstairs.

The topic bags are available to store any paper-based resources (labels, photocopies etc) as these get damaged in the boxes.

Please only use resources from the allocated boxes so as to avoid repetition.

What follows is a suggested order of teaching for each year group, followed by a brief outline of the main topic content.  This content can, of course, be extended as teaching teams wish so long as the main focus remains.

Creative Curriculum Long Term Plan (2-3 year rolling programme)



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Where is our school?


How have toys changed?


Who’s who in the animal kingdom?


Where shall we go on our holidays this year?



How is Llandudno different to stoke on Trent?


Who was Henry VIII?


Who lives in the jungle?



Why is Planet Earth so cool?


What is ‘Super’ about Stoke?


What do you know about water?





Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


What makes me special?




What’s it made of?


How shall we get there?


Where is Barnaby Bear going?



What was Britain like during WW2?


Who lives in a place like this?


Who are these famous people?



Why was it a hard knock life?


Where is Kensuke’s Kingdom?


Who were the Egyptians anyway?

(HIST)Ancient Greeks/ ROMANS



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Why are the British Isles special?


Who invaded Britain?


Who was Blackbeard?


Computing update march 2018

A high quality computing curriculum equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The core of computing is computer science and at St John’s Primary School, children will be taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through coding and programming. Children will be equipped to use ICT to create programs, systems and a range of content.

Our Computing curriculum is designed to ensure that children become e safe, digitally literate, and are able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through ICT. This will then develop them for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

All children have a login for purple mash – the main computing resource we use. If your child would like to access this from home they can click the following link and log in to access lots of fun and educational activities:

Here are some examples of the work children produce in computing

Making a spreadsheet to calculate prices

Creating an internet safety quiz

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