Teaching Talking Vocabulary and Reading

Developing vocabulary is central to children’s and adults’ success in school. Children with a restricted vocabulary at 7, never catch up and this impacts on attainment at 16 and future life chances.
School will to help develop good speaking skills and good vocabulary we will:-
- Make words a priority at school
- Link oral and written vocabulary
- Speak to all children every day
- Make speaking and listening a priority
- Teach reading through phonics and guided reading
- Hear all children read regularly
- Change reading books at least three times a week -(2 in Early Years)
- Identify next steps to move learning forward for all children
- Assess reading regularly and inform you if your child is falling behind the expected level, significantly
Parents/carers should
- Speak regularly to their children
- Hear your child read every day.
- Show an interest in your child’s learning
- Tell a bedtime story every night and encourage your child to discuss the story / text
- Talk to your child before and after school – rather than your phone
- Encourage a love of reading
- Discuss your child’s learning with them during meal times